Spring Class Registration Available Now!!
Sign up on Registration Page!
March 27th through June 6th
Questions?Call or Text Sharon 207-522-3900
Please call if you cannot find a space in the class you want. Call to be added to a waiting list.
More Information call Sharon 207- 522-3900 sharonpynemusic@gmail.com
Gift certificates available!!
Donate to Scholarship on Registration Page!
Molly Tinker
Molly Tinker has finished her third year teaching Music Together and is well loved by the families that sing with her. She leads classes at Bath Dance Works and Head Start centers. Molly grew up in Phippsburg as part of a musical family, and studied Dance at Franklin Pierce University. She played saxophone in the school band and various ensembles throughout her school years. She also plays the piano and is actively learning the ukulele and fiddle! Molly has had a passion for dance since she was a child, and has done choreographing, teaching and performing. Molly’s experience with children includes teaching at a preschool for students with special needs and raising her two school-aged boys. At home, her family enjoys music and dance as some of their favorite activities. Molly took the Music Together training course with master teachers in the field of early childhood music education. She mentored with Sharon Pyne for a year and has had her own classes since 2022. Music Together provides an opportunity to share the magic of music and movement with children and families, and Molly is so excited to be part of your musical journeys!
Music Together®Classes in Bath & Brunswick
The Music Together approach can help every child develop their innate musicality by creating a rich musical experience in which infants, toddlers and preschoolers practice tones and rhythms while playing singing and movement games with their parents and caregivers.
Led by a trained teacher, this informal class can give each family a new gift of expression. A committed parent, who is willing to learn and have fun, can increase their young child’s musical aptitude while “doing” music together.
Join Sharon Pyne or Vanessa Levat for a Music Together Class held in Bath and Brunswick. For a complete seasonal schedule see below. Visit the Registration page of this website for registration. For more information about Music Together, visit Music Together online.
What is available for children when they finish Music Together ??
I am often asked about music lessons for children who are four or five. My recommendation is to keep enriching your child’s life with informal music play during their preschool years. Enjoy music with your child whenever you can and make up songs to go with daily routines……..be creative and keep it simple and fun. Give you child time to make up his own play at home. This is when he will be practicing and experiments with music and other skills. Don’t over schedule with outside activities. If you used to play an instrument …..get it out again and see what you remember….It is wonderful for children to see their parent working on a skill. As for attending a preschool music class, choose one that allows children to experiment freely with rhythms and tones under the leadership of a trained teacher. A good program provides ideas and resources for parents to continue doing educational music play at home with their children.
I think the best age for children to begin formal lessons is at 6 or 7 years . With exposure to music and time to play with musical ideas, a six year old can audiate or sing songs in their head. They have often achieved basic musical competence by this age and are ready for the next step.
Old-Time Family Dance Party
Sign Up Now Best place in town to dance!!!
Bath Dance Works Weekends
call Sharon to reserve your own 2hr. dance party. 207-522-3900
Bring you own music
Or hire someone to fiddle and teach New England country dances with easy moves like Doci Do , Elbow swing and Promenade.
See www.mainefiddle.org
Family Round-Singing Looking for a leader!!
Saturdays or Sundays 11:00-12:00 TBA
Bath Dance Works
More Info. call or text 207-522-3900
Call to reserve a spot for your group of up to 20! Cost $50
Led by Sharon Pyne/No Experience Necessary/All Ages WelcomeSimple Rounds and Song with Easy Refrains/An Indoor Version of Singing Around the Campfire
Bring a Easy Song to Share if you want. We will sing by ear as much as possible.
Youth Fiddle Jam Session
Interested in Leading this???
Sponsored by Maine Fiddle Camp TBA
Bath Dance Works 72 Front Street Downtown Bath
last Thurs. of the month 3:30-4:30
$10 / musician $20 /family
RSVP !!! Sharon Pyne 207-522-3900
Not just for fiddles.
We will have pizza at 4:30 since we are meeting during the dinner hour.
Private and Group Lessons are offered on Friday afternoons for an extra fee, if you would like to get a little coaching on the tunes.
The 2017 Youth Jam Session were a great success with fiddles, guitars, a banjo and a ukulele. My hope is to give young musician (under 18) an opportunity to play with each other and learn by ear. The session is for all levels. The emphasis will be on fiddle tunes in keys of D, G, A,Em and Am. I am hoping we have some guitar players and whistle/flute players too. We will start with simple tunes and proceed to the more advanced.
We will start with the lists below. Please try to learn (memorize if possible) one or more of the tunes on the list for our first session. They can be found on the Maine fiddle camp website which I have listed below. If you do not have access to the website, let me know and I can send you the music and CD.
Please send me a list of tunes you know and I will consider adding them.
Please spread the word. Warmly, Sharon Pyne
Tunes for Jam Session
find sheet music and audio at www.mainefiddle.org click “Tunes” click “2010”
Tunes for November Jam Session
Camptown races
Britches full of stitches
Boil them cabbage down
Flop eared mule
Cock of the north
Oh Susanna
Oh Joe Clark,
Sky boat song
Extra Tunes for Winter 2018 Jam Sessions
from 2010 tune collection at www.mainefiddle.org
The Wren
Rakes of mallow
Steamboat quickstep
Road to Boston
Joys of Quebec
Marie’s wedding
Red wing
Lilting Banchee
Cold Frosty Morning.